Contact Us

WatchingWords is a service of CastingWords, and Support is available from and via support portal at, which interoperates with our email support.

We handle customer support inquiries between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, U.S. Eastern Time (Normally GMT-5). Support is closed on these holidays: Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday of November), Christmas Eve (December 24), Christmas (December 25th), and New Years Day (January 1st). When we are able to we check in on the support inquiries at other times (off hours, weekends, holidays) for urgent requests.

A detailed status page is available by logging into your Account. You can also download your completed transcriptions there.

We do not offer phone support at this time.

Business Mailing Address:

WatchingWords Department

CastingWordsWords, LLC
2144 41st Street
Los Alamos, NM

Federal Tax ID: EIN 20-3855596
